
Need help using our marketing calendar software? Looking for calendars of holidays or seasonal planning insights? Here we have gathered all things helpful so you can get what you need and get on your way.

Choose your adventure below.

For users of our marketing calendar software:

Guides for Navigating Annum

Here you’ll find a number of resources to help you get the most out of Annum while creating stronger integrated marketing plans.

Tutorials by Role
Topical Guides

For all marketing planners:

Planning Resources

We’ve got printable calendars of holidays and observances to help you get organized and Monthly Briefings to spark planning and to keep you on track.

Printable Annual and Monthly Calendars
Monthly Briefings include:
Insights & Resources Related to the
Top Annual Consumer Spending Events

For anyone looking for inspiration:

Free Phone Wallpaper

We’ve pulled together a collection of whimsical designs to inspire creative thinking.

For more about Annum:


A record of our startup journey. Key milestones, accomplishments and happenings.